Machining Industry

Workpieces need to experience several procedures on CNC machine, milling machine and CNC machine center, and the repeated procedures can be achieved by automation.
Suggested Models
XTH series and robots
This series is a Hilectro standard servo robotic arm, and applied in the airport industry. This series of models adopt the arrangement of “two driven by one”, one robot can finish the automatic loading and unloading of two machine tools, especially suitable for the occasion of processing beat end and large batch production.
Industry Case

XTH: workpiece

Customer’s production site

1. Heat motor case

4. Shrink fit for shell and stator

2. Take workpiece by motor stator

5. Put products on the conveyor belt

3. Position by motor stator

1. Take down workpiece

4. Grasp workpiece

2. Replace the processor to be used

5. Position workpiece

3. Place workpiece

1. Place workpiece

4. Put workpiece on the conveyor belt

- Workpiece of parts

3.Processing of parts

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